wave | the wav writer | 2021-09-23 20:27Z |
osc_i | oscillators, part i | 2021-10-25 16:32Z |
osc_ii | oscillators, part ii | 2021-10-16 02:28Z |
mix | mixer | 2021-10-16 02:42Z |
adsr | envelope generators | 2021-10-16 02:44Z |
ctrl | control parameters and thread safety | 2021-10-16 02:54Z |
delay | delay and echo | 2021-10-16 03:03Z |
spectrm | spectrum visualizer | 2021-12-22 09:01Z |
reverb | artificial reverberation | 2021-10-16 03:17Z |
ext | audio plugins | 2021-10-16 03:23Z |
denormal | denormal numbers | 2022-07-22 08:59Z |
pvoc | phase vocoder and pitch shifter | 2023-03-08 21:49Z |
kps | some starter code for delay♯ | 2021-10-16 03:13Z |
spectrm_s | some starter code for spectrm♯ | 2021-12-22 09:04Z |
mwe | minimal working examples | 2024-09-15 04:56Z |
tools | some handy debugging tools | 2021-10-13 02:41Z |
quirks | some mind blowing stuff | 2021-06-21 01:00Z |
usporth | a minimal rewrite of sporth core | 2021-12-24 21:20Z |
oso | a tiny, hackable oscilloscope | 2021-11-02 03:43Z |
imgui_juce | juce backend for dear imgui | 2024-06-06 05:43Z |
luart | fast real-time dsp prototyping template (wip) | 2023-03-13 12:57Z |
oscr | a local router for open sound control | 2021-06-08 13:30Z |
kb | customizable virtual midi keyboard for jack and xorg | 2021-06-08 04:43Z |
mu.check | make sure everything builds | 2021-12-22 10:47Z |